Sunday, May 1, 2022

poetry of everyday life

an overwhelmingness with life
but not the things to do, places to go,
not by what i should buy next

overwhelmed by what?

the people
their very being
their doing and moving about
their sayings and sighs

wondering how they are
soaring and struggling
loving or being shunned
the overwhelming uncommonness
of the poetry of everyday life

overwhelmed by the
neither winter nor spring
equinoxious void between
death and rebirth

march 2022

just maybe

just wandering along
maybe trying to make things
make more sense... maybe

more sense than dogmas
if more sense even matters
in the grand scheme, if there is
even a grand scheme or theme

and, maybe, that's simply ok
maybe that is the final grasp
of the plan, the design, the way,
the path that is so wide
that everyone's following it...

north park
april 2022

the caterpiillar in me

what is it but a dream?
like i drempt i was... what?
a butterfly?  an earthworm?
an octopus? a warlord?
virtuoso something or other?
or am i awake

mittying about
in a stream of
great unconciousness

albany park
april 2022