Sunday, May 9, 2010

Attention Spam?

yeah... i can't spell
or can't type or both

excuse me
give me a huge fucking break
or don't, i don't fucking care
or otherwise do or
why i would i be writing this
trying to explain

i have ASD
there i said it the first step
of my fifteen step program,
yes i am that fucked up
i need three extra steps,
i am very special
delusionally unique

stop laughing you fuck
attention spam disorder
is crippling and there is no cure

you hear that?
no fucking cure
i can't focus
and when i can
fucking spam
attention spam
fucking attention spam
a tough road to hoe

what the fuck is next
you still fucking laughing?
Tourettes Attention Spam Disorder Syndrome
all mine
just me
fuck off

OK... not just me
Mikel Shpiel had it too
(his grandmother was
armenian don't you know)